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KG & MDM Lock Bypass l KG UNLOCK FREE DEMO CLASS l All Samsung Mobile Supported

 KG & MDM Lock Bypass l KG UNLOCK FREE DEMO CLASS l All Samsung Mobile Supported

KG & MDM Lock Bypass l KG UNLOCK FREE DEMO CLASS  l All Samsung Mobile Supported

KG & MDM Lock Bypass

You are very welcome, I hope all the brothers are well and safe, so first of all, before starting the demo class, I want to tell you what is JOK lock, what is MDM lock, how can it be identified and what is it? In this way you can identify it, I am going to teach you this in today's classes, first of all I will explain it to you, I will teach you from the basics, see, I want all the brothers to understand that there is a pressure.

Let me explain it accordingly because see, everyone knows about MC but this new thing that has come in the world of locks, so how can you identify it, so I am sharing one of my slides here. So for you to understand, let me explain it in this way that perhaps you will not have any problem, okay, so let me open my slides here, okay, so the basic thing, let me tell you that what is the meaning of K Security Knox Security? And MDM, what is the exact difference in this, how can we identify it, so which brother can tell me in the chat box?

What is De Nox, what does it mean, what is K and what is MBM, what is the difference, how do we identify it and how do we understand that there is a difference between MDM and K, so how do we unlock it? I will definitely tell you the explanation, but if there is no pressure, who knows something, then who can tell what it means, what does it mean, what does it mean and what is MDM, how can we identify PC in mobile. What is K and what is MDM then you can simply give me the answer in the chart box.

You can give what you are watching on YouTube, you can also tell me, so what is this DK, look, I have written here K means good security and G great, K means finance is not locked at all, no, first remove this from your mind, okay. K means finance, empty finance is not locked, my brothers, many things are inside it, you want to put it in there, there is only one thing in the mind of all the brothers that K means not finance locked, it is finance locked. But apart from this, there are many other things in it which I am going to tell you about, a security lock.

It is great, great, okay, let me tell you the basic thing, let me explain the basic thing, first of all, I remove whatever is your friend in the big part of K and MDM, first of all, let me tell you, see the first of which is here. Your MDM is Mobile Device Management. Mobile Device Management MDM which is available is not available in Samsung. Apart from Samsung, it is also available in Vivo and iPhone. First of all, this is MDM. Mobile Device Management. It started in iPhone only, so MDM. What is MDM and what does MDM do?


There is security which seeks the data of your phone, now it seeks the data of the phone, what does it mean that any person can access the data of any mobile from any other country, you understand what I want to say, any person can Even from the country, we cannot see or copy its data or its like there are big companies, big companies have huge data and everything is based on data, so their data should not be copied now. You can see whether someone is hacked or not, after connecting to WiFi, no one is hacked and yes, no one can copy it, so the lock that is imposed to protest against it.

It is called MDM lock or it is called MDM security, so it is not in Samsung, it is in Vivo, it is in iPhone and it is also in Samsung. You will see this security in many flowers, so it is a kind of device management which Your data has to be controlled by your security. The second thing is your Samsung Security or Samsung Knox Garden. Now this is the personal security of your Samsung which is called Knox Garden. K means it is Knox, it is made in this way. And this is already software, this software is already

It is installed in your Samsung phone and the installed software protects you from many attacks, along with that, if for example someone tries to hack your phone, then he will also be protected by this child. Now comes your example, what is this Nak Knox, inside it it is connected to the cloud, it is connected to the cloud, so if you accidentally try to unlock the face lock or password, then it immediately protests it. It is called 'K' garden. Now the garden which is in 'K' garden is called 'K' garden.

Protection is done by the company, for example, let me tell you that if a person has taken a phone on EMI and after taking the phone, if he does not pay the EMI of the phone, then his time is yours. There is a garden inside it, the hardware and software are protected in such a way that it blocks the phone at this time, so we have only one thing in our mind that whatever happens is for the finance of Samsung. Apart from that, there are many futures which you can understand which are garden exactly.

How does it do so, this is A, this is the difference between A and B, so what MDM does is that it collects the data for your device management and has cases, there is a cloud, there is a security in which you and these people who are finance doctors. There are people who protest against what happens with Samsung by establishing a kind of security. See, normally in Samsung phones, I have explained to you in detail about MDM and K here, so first of all see the thing if If your phone is in MDM then neither the phone will switch off nor it will go into download mode.

The phone will not be hard reset nor the phone will be flashing. Keep in mind that if your phone is locked or in MDM then it will neither be switched off nor will it go into download mode nor will it be hard reset nor will it flash in flashing. It is ok but your phone in Your phone will be switched off, it will also go into download mode, your phone will also be hard reset, your phone will be flashing, still it will protest again, that means it will be locked again, now connect WiFi, insert the SIM card, it will protest you, now you will say sir, if it flashes then why. Neither can we take it out of the protest and run it directly, it doesn't happen to me.

All Samsung Mobile Supported

Brother, everyone's solution is different, everyone's trick is different, this is the understanding that I am just explaining the basic thing to you that it has all these things but it is connected to the server due to which as soon as the SIM is connected to Wi-Fi or 5 or If you wait for 10 minutes, that protection gets activated again, so what is this protection inside? In today's class, I am going to explain to you how this protection is felt, inside whom it is, I will explain all these things, I am okay. So after this I will tell you how to recognize MDM lock. So MDM people, this is the type of phone.

Lock will be written and as soon as you try it in download mode or in Hardoi set, it will be written here, see what is written in the earning, you can see that MDM is not allowed, factory reset phone will. B. Reboot automatically, so in this condition your factor will not allow reset. If MDM protection is engaged, then what happens to MDM is visible in this way, but what is happening, how is it visible to you, so I will give some pictures here. Look, first Finance Plus will appear and then MTM South.

Like in Africa, it will be different in India, like it can be serialized, okay, so it will appear like these are out of country phones, I have given them, but not from India, because I don't want it to be according to the serial number. If you are trying to understand this, then what you are seeing is the lock date, this is the security, where does the security go, do this as you are seeing, so this is the difference between your MDM and A, both methods are fine. There are different ways to unlock, so I will explain that to you as soon as possible, so please understand, but see the lock.

If you put the mobile in download mode, as soon as your phone goes into download mode, then after going into download mode, how will you know what is the status of K? Then see here that the status of K is visible to you first of all. If you can see it properly, then see what is written here, I have placed an arrow mark here, this is my attempt to understand a little bit, there is nothing else, so this is what you are seeing, these are the total number of cages that are visible. It is locked. What does it mean that your protection is on?

It means that the law is already activated with the cloud or with their server and it is already blocked, so what is written, it is already blocked with the company, after this, if you see here, what is written is loading error unloaded, so this color is this serial. It happens because of the number. Now what is this serial number? Now if you remain in the class, then I will definitely explain it in detail. You try to understand. I am teaching you from basic, which is K, which is MDM. Why am I teaching you in detail? I am teaching because you understood what you have to do, how to reduce a lot of things.

Brother, the technology of Ek Ek Ek Ek CP is being reduced, the technology of Ek Ek Ek Ek CP is already being updated, whatever is going on is happening in that area also, a lot of updation is going on in AFS also, this is a learning interface, you will have to learn it. Without learning, you cannot survive in this film. If you want to move forward then you will have to learn this and keep learning, so just tell me in the chat box whether your training is going on now or I am teaching your topics. It's going to happen. Jaggery and note, if you are getting it right then just give one less dal, it will be ok in the chaat box, then I will move ahead with what I am teaching.

Maybe it won't be for you or if you are understanding the way I am teaching then please give me a thumbs up if I am getting it right so that I can know that yes you are understanding it so great if If you are not able to understand then tell me that also, I will try to read it properly, this is my small attempt, just tell me Patna and tell you, it is fine, there is nothing else, so whatever brothers are watching on YouTube, please do so. Leave a comment and tell me whether you are understanding what I want to understand or not or if you are not able to understand then you can comment in the chat box.

You can enter, ok, next, let's move ahead, my brothers, here I will show you, see, I told you in the big part of the status of 'K' that here the first one is locked, so in this way if you can see it's min dr second. What I am telling you in the process, you can see here in the section of status, okay, so what is written here, it is written as normal and active, in normal and activated, if you write correctly, see here, it is written that status is activated, so date is activated. Means registered by the company, it is registered with the company, keep this in mind now.

First of all, I told you the image, what is written here that status law, what does the law mean, it is blocked by the company, so it is the law, but like if you have not paid the EMI and the company closes it, then date time. You have to be showing activated, so when there will be finance, you say no finance people, so date time, this status will be visible to you. When you are showing activated, it means that the company has blocked it, okay after that. If you see it is written here see what is the meaning of checking so checking it is not free but note b

Permanent Great Now, all the brothers must have seen it in many YouTube videos and after seeing it, you must have got the message of checking 90% of the technicians, I don't know the solution beyond this, you can tell me by clicking Yes and No in the box. You can yes or no, you get stuck at this point, it doesn't go away permanently, you get stuck temporarily and from here onwards you keep looking for solutions to live, yes yes great, so this is the checking, when you get the checking, then at that date time it will unlock. So it's done but it's not permanent. It's temporary. It's done. It's not permanent.

KG & MDM Lock Bypass l KG UNLOCK FREE DEMO CLASS  l All Samsung Mobile Supported

Ok, what is the meaning of permanent and temporary? As soon as you connect it to WiFi or as soon as you put a scene in it, it will immediately be re-locked, it will be re-locked, it will be relocked automatically after losing it. In permanent solution, I am going to give you how you can do it as a permanent solution, so thoughts, so after this, now we see the next status, so the next status is, you can see, it is written here, pre normal, free normal, you can see. So what did I write? Solution Yes, this is a very important thing now, see.

There are different partitions of our CPU, there are security partitions, some of the partitions are built in, they are secret, there are guide partition tables, as soon as you tried to modify it and after modifying it, if the partition is deleted. If you put it inside your phone, then after that your status will become pre-normal. See, let me tell you that in free normal, sometimes the phone will turn on but your basement and IMEI number will be gone or it will be gone already, so this is also a way. So I will explain each and every thing one by one.

What has to be done in the condition, it will explain all the things, it will go, after this you can see what is written as status completed, so when it will be written as completed, it means that it has been unlocked permanently. Those people have already completed the setup and will write about it, so the methods that I told you, I have given you the explanation as to how you can check the setup and how you can see it according to the status. How will you understand how I will explain this thing and how will you understand it?

It comes with understanding, so I hope that whatever I tell you, I have not told it by copying any previous knowledge, whatever knowledge I have, I have shared it with you and I think that whoever is watching on YouTube or watching with the class, So, you tell me that whatever topic I have just covered, was it new for you or not, so it is new or not, so yes and no, just put it in four boxes, so if yes, then we will move on to the next topic. Let's go ahead so what I just said in my status new new so please enter the child box it's new for you are not now this so

Show me my hard work, friend, you can say my knowledge or my study, I have explained this to you so it is new for you, note, so yes and no, whatever you are watching on YouTube, please also comment, maybe I will get more motivated. Whatever I can tell you and other good tricks, I have just told the trailer, my brothers, the movie is still pending, so the picture is not finished yet, the first thing is that people, whatever happens is protected by a serial number. Serial number is now for serial number protected, I am here to tell you

Let me minimize it, here I have kept it connected, you can see that this mobile is Samsung's a10s MA 107F, I have kept this mobile connected and everything is already included in it. You can see the dump sir, you can see the help is also correct sir, it is of MC, so this which looks like a lock or which is Knox Garden, it is associated with this serial number of Samsung, you can see this serial number. Must have been the Samsung serial number, which is the number of people associated with this Samsung serial number, so if we modify this serial number

We will read in detail how we will modify it. If you understand then first of all let me tell you that Samsung has different security. With different security it would be the serial number but this is a Samsung phone. The serial number which is attached, we come to the browse, here you can see [Music] This is the partition, this and FS, these two partitions are very important. In your K block, the FS which is there is your IMEI number inside it. You have your baseband, you have your MAC ID, you have your Bluetooth ID, but this

Safes is Jio, this serial number is included in it, so we will modify this serial number and include it in our phone after modifying it, so let me tell you about how it is modified, so first of all I will I will read this partition, so I write it, so after writing, I tick the read selected partition here and sorry, I will not read this selected partition from here. Okay, so here I identify

Okay, what we want here is the CPU we have, so from here we will write on the read partition and read it here, these two partitions are very important for us, whenever you see this partition, these are the partitions of your serial number. So the first thing we will do is we will read these partitions, so to read, let's come back to read by vendor.

Let's quantize the partition from device and all the partitions and read both of them and here we will create a new folder here, we will create another new folder here for you to understand, so new folder here, we will give it OK. So we are reading these two partitions here, the pot is different in all, I cannot show it together, this is the demo class given to it, now just understand how I am so sorry I am sorry I am sorry I M sorry thank you very much for the gauge thank you very much from device ok ok so these two partitions have been created here.

Anyway, both are from the same partition, still I delete this one, so this is our partition, you can see here, partitions have been created inside it, you can see and after this you have to see this partition here. Your serial number is placed inside this partition, so how can we identify this serial number and how can we find it, so what you have to do for this, you have to download it from Google. All you have to do is pick it up from here, you are seeing this file, it has opened here, then after this you simply

You have to come in the search, here this is your serial number, now you can get the serial number from a C file manager or if you do not want to get it from the AMC file manager, then I will tell you how to get the serial number. What you have to do is to open it and inside it you can see that this file has been unzipped, now who is in the factory apps, after this you can see, here it is written serial number, you have to enter the serial number and directly you will get notepad. You have to open it, from here you will get its serial number. Okay, so as soon as you see this serial number.

You can see its serial number here, so that's it, we will copy its serial number from the owner and close it and the one which is open in 7 seats also, we will close it now, we will not keep it, so We will close this also, okay and we have kept this file open on HD I have taken it, you have to search by ticking it and as you can see, its serial number is visible here.

You have to replace it with this serial number. By coming to edit, search and replace, you have to copy this serial number below and the last three digits like I have put here, you have to change the last three digits. And you have to tick on all and here you have to replace it, here you can see replace three numbers, here these are three numbers, all three numbers will be replaced, see here you can see, Mati, now see it is replaced. This is the number that has been replaced, we have just replaced the serial number.

We will do it simply, now it is done from your side, let's see the serial number list and see this here, another file has been generated, now you can see here another file is visible, now here I I delete it and we open it back in the hexa tool and see if our serial number has changed or not. So here I simply lift it and end it. I come back to search and find. Tick on all. I will do it

Paste search here, see what is written, it has been changed, now you can see, it has been changed, so I don't want this file, which file I don't want, we will delete it, this is the original security, this is our serial. The change has been made with the number. We have to come back here to the right by vendor and erase them from here. We will erase both the partitions and after that, we will add these two partitions back inside it, so we will simply now. You can also take it directly, so we and the new folder will come on the desktop.

We had put this in the new folder but only two partitions were lost because I had taken backup of only two partitions and then we will write here, it is written, now we close it and to show you what months which To show whether the serial number has been entered, it has actually been modified or not, so to show whether it has been modified or not, I open the MC file manager. Yes, it is opened. I am connecting here. See friends, our serial number is the last one.

Digital is now watching, watch now, I just tell you one trick, small trick, the way to edit the serial number, this is not a complete solution, apart from this you have to do one more thing, then your lock or MDM lock will open but this I have told you before and I am telling you now, I am explaining what I am showing you is a small trick to open Dr. What happens is that it is associated with your serial number and the serial number. I have explained you simply how to edit the number, but apart from this there are many other things too.

Only after doing this, your status will come OK, otherwise the status will not come. After doing this, your fairy will come normal, fairy will come normal or checking will come, sorry error will come, fairy will come normal or checking will come because there are many things left to be done by us security lady, which one is left- Which partitions have to be deleted, which partitions have to be inserted, if it is Samsung, what to do if it has turned on the micro, so what to do, these are all different tricks, I cannot explain them to you in the demo class, that's all. I can tell you a little trick to help you understand how we did this.

Now if I enter this, it will be ray because now there are many partitions with the serial number which we have to enter, so now just the basic concept of what you have to do, then yes this. This trick told by the military will reduce your MC also, this will reduce your MC also, this will also reduce your AFS, this has to be done, if you do this then only you will move forward, but apart from this, there are many solutions, there are many concepts, that has to be done. Only then can you change this rule. Currently there are many different rules in this.

The concept is that you can also do this, if your ray is getting locked, then you need a patch file or you need a cut off file, then you can create that yourself, you will have to understand how to create that and we will definitely tell you about this. So, this is the total that I am telling you in the class or whatever is the cream, tell us to the elders, see, I did research in the market and I came to know that there are many such people who have their own knowledge only. keep and we are dependent on them, so I want that you should not be dependent on anyone else, technicians, those small

KG & MDM Lock Bypass l KG UNLOCK FREE DEMO CLASS  l All Samsung Mobile Supported

One should not depend on others for things. I want him to be capable. If you do not depend on others, then be yourself, do yourself. This is not a big thing, for which you should give it. It's a rocket science. If you use your brain a little and you will learn it, would you like to join us and learn it or not? If you have the hand, please type white in the chat box, otherwise please type whatever you are watching on YouTube or whatever. Is this the trick I told you? is this

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